Morning Offering
The Prevenient Act
Jesus tells Luisa that every morning our prayer should be in the Will of God. Jesus instructs Luisa and each of us how to recite this prayer each morning. On May 27, 1922 in volume 14 Jesus reveals to Luisa that the prevenient act, or the morning offering in the Divine Will, is made when the soul, at the first rising of the day, fixes her will in God’s Will. Here the soul decides and confirms that she wants to live and operate only in God’s Will. The soul anticipates all of her acts of the entire day in this morning offering by consecrating them to the Divine Will. In this moment, the soul’s acts begin to flow in God’s one eternal Act that, having neither beginning nor end, elevates her acts to embrace all acts of lives of the past, present and future
However, because self-esteem, negligence and other things during the day may diminish the efficacy of the prevenient act, like clouds before the sun, one must renew this act throughout the day. Jesus refers to this renewal as the present act, and it removes the things that may diminish the prevenient act. To Luisa Jesus revealed that both the prevenient and present acts are necessary for Living in the Divine Will: The former disposes and admits the soul to Live in the Divine Will, while the latter maintains and expands the soul in that same Will. If you maintain a busy work ethic, you may renew the prevenient act three-four times a day. Now the manner of renewing this act is not confined to its repetition, although this is a good method. God is pleased to see you express your love to Him in a variety of ways. You may renew this act, for example, in his Fiat of Creation, in his Fiat of Redemption, or in his Fiat of Sanctification. Now, whenever renewing this act we should, like Luisa, do so with two movements of the soul. Luisa used this approach often. The first movement of the soul is ‘general,’ and here we offer to God the love, praise and thanksgiving of and for all things at once, as they are present to us in the eternal now. The second movement is ‘particular,’ and here we offer to God all things in clusters, one at a time (the suns of the cosmos, the stars, the waters, all mankind, etc.) or individually (this or that particular thing). Luisa consistently practiced both movements until she passed onto her eternal reward. The prevenient act to the right, also known as the Morning Offering in the Divine Will, is a beautiful prayer compiled from numerous extracts of Luisa’s 36 volumes following her method of prayer, which she employed every morning. |
This prayer is as follows:
"O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother and Queen of the Divine Will, I entreat you, by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and by the graces God has granted to you since your Immaculate Conception, the grace of never going astray. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I am a poor and unworthy sinner, and I beg of you the grace to allow our Mother and Luisa to form in me the divine acts you purchased for me and for everyone. These acts are the most precious of all, for they carry the Eternal Power of your Fiat and they await my "Yes, your Will be done" (Fiat Voluntas Tua). So I implore you, Jesus, Mary and Luisa to accompany me as I now pray: I am nothing and God is all, come Divine Will. Come heavenly Father to beat in my heart and move in my Will; come beloved Son to flow in my blood and think in my intellect; come Holy Spirit to breath my lungs and recall in my memory. I fuse myself in the Divine Will and place my I love You, I adore You and I bless You God in the Fiats of Creation. With my I love You my soul bilocates in the creations of the heavens and the earth: I love You in the stars, in the sun, in the moon and in the skies; I love You in the earth, in the waters and in every living creature my Father created out of love for me, so that I may return love for love. I now enter into Jesus' Most Holy Humanity that embraces all acts. I place my I adore You Jesus in your every breath, heartbeat, thought, word and step. I adore You in the sermons of your public life, in the miracles you performed, in the Sacraments you instituted and in the most intimate fibers of your Heart. I bless You Jesus in your every tear, blow, wound, thorn and in each drop of Blood that unleashed light for the life of every human. I bless You in all your prayers, reparations, offerings, and in each of the interior acts and pains you suffered up to your last breath on the Cross. I enclose your Life and all your acts, Jesus, with my I love You, I adore You and I bless You. I now enter into the acts of my Mother Mary and of Luisa. I place my I thank you in Mary and Luisa's every thought, word and action. I thank you in the embraced joys and sorrows of Jesus' Redemption and of the Holy Spirit's Sanctification. Fused in your acts I make my I thank You and I bless You flow in the relations of every creature to fill their acts with light and life: to fill the acts of Adam and Eve; of the patriarchs and prophets; of the souls of the past, present and future; of the holy souls in purgatory; of the holy angels and saints. I now make these acts my own, and I offer them to You, my tender and loving Father. May they increase the glory of your children, and may they glorify, satisfy and honor You on their behalf. Let us now begin our day with our Divine Acts fused together. Thank you Most Holy Trinity for enabling me to enter into union with You by means of prayer. May Your Kingdom come, and Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Fiat! |