Questions & Answers
(All citations from Luisa's text are taken from the ecclesiastically approved doctoral dissertation)
Below are Answers to frequently asked questions on the Divine Will:
Why is God in the Old Testament so strict, and God in the New Testament so merciful?
What does Jesus mean when He tells Luisa that the souls who live completely in his Will make up for his Humanity?
What does Jesus mean when He tells Luisa that the souls who live completely in his Will make up for his Humanity?
The Last Supper in 12 Events in the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta, and the Question of Judas Iscariot receiving Holy Communion
The Diabolical Plan to Remove the Papacy and the Eucharist
Can you please share Prayers of Repentance and Deliverance during the Covid Pandemic
when we are w/o the Sacraments?
What is the Proper Manner of Receiving Communion?
In Luisa's writings, to whom does Jesus refer when addressing "the children of darkness" and "the children of light"?
What is the difference between the prevenient act, the divine acts and the rounds? Is there a formula to live in the Divine Will?
Luisa prayed for the vanquishing of the sin of pride. Jesus was pleased and said it would be good to repeat this intention. Can we pray for the vanquishing of all sin and vices in the Holy Divine Will?
I have read in many of Luisa's writings that she was not able to tolerate food. Was her intolerance to
food a lifelong issue, or just a temporary issue? How was she able to live without any food for sustenance?
food a lifelong issue, or just a temporary issue? How was she able to live without any food for sustenance?
Can someone fuse him/herself in the Divine Will and evelate others as offerings to the Father?
What is the "Restrainer" St. Paul refers to in his letter to the Thessalonians?
Is Luisa "the woman" prophesied in Genesis 3:15 who will crush the serpent's head?
Is Luisa "the woman" prophesied in Genesis 3:15 who will crush the serpent's head?
Is the "Novus Ordo" Mass or the "Tridentine Mass" the preferred form of worship?
What are the New Heavens and the New Earth?
How did possessing the kingdom of the Divine Will benefit St. Joseph?
Did St. Joseph possess the kingdom of the Divine Will? Jesus says he did not; Luisa says he did.
What is the difference between St. Joseph's acts in the Kingdom of the Divine Will and Luisa's acts in
the Divine Will itself?
Was St. Joseph the first creature conceived in sin to Live in the Divine Will?
Was St. Joseph purified in the womb?
Did St. Joseph live in the Divine Will?
Does Jesus speak to Luisa Piccarreta about an "era of peace"?
Can Someone who is not a Catholic receive the Sacraments?
Can someone believe in a Marian Apparition before the Church approves it?
Should we prepare Safe Places for ourselves and loved ones for the coming tribulation?
Has the Church failed us on account of its past scandals and evil infiltration?
Are we living in the End Times and are many cardinals, bishops and priests taking souls with them to hell?
Is it wrong to be critical of this Pope?
When Antichrist comes will he abolish the Sacraments, kill the Pope and eliminate the hierarchy?
Why did a Catholic Bishop recently affirm that publicly criticizing the Pope may result in
"automatic excommunication"?
Does Luke's Gospel contradict Luisa's text?
In the Divine Will does one have to form intentions?
Do souls who live in the Divine Will on earth experience the same joys as the Blessed in Heaven?
Is the "Era of Peace" spoken by Our Lady of Fatima come before or after the chastisement?
Does God Experience Suffering in Heaven?
Can we "redo" Jesus' Divine Acts?
Is the "Second coming" of Christ imminent?
Did Luisa ask Jesus to Baptize all Babies for her?
How many nuptials did Luisa experienced and what is spiritual marriage?
If your body is a "sanctuary" of the two hearts, does this mean that Jesus and Mary live in you?
Why do animals have to suffer?
During Mass are not all generations united to Christ? If so, how can impacting all generations
in the Divine Will be a new reality?
Can one person be the cause of the damnation or salvation of another?
What does it mean to "fuse" oneself in the Divine Will?
In the Divine Will, do we give up our previous devotions, and focus only on the Divine Will?
What is the difference between the prevenient act and the actual act?
What does Jesus mean when He tells Luisa not to waste time?
Does the human will of those who live in the Divine Will on earth, operate in the same way
that the human will operates in Jesus?
If God chose Mary from the beginning, why was she asked to become the Mother of God?
Why did God not stop Adam and Eve from sinning?
If Adam and Eve had not sinned, would Christ have become incarnate on this earth?
Why did Jesus asked ask that the cup be removed from Him?
Can God act and dwell in a human being?
Can one sanctify oneself?
Why did Luisa confess to Jesus instead of a Priest?
What place do the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Holy Orders occupy in Luisa's writings?
Is Jesus’ presence in a person who lives in the Divine Will greater than his presence in the Eucharist?
What is the relation between Luisa's private revelations and the one Public Revelation of Jesus Christ?
Do "The Hours of the Passion" replace the Stations of the Cross in Church?
What would have been the role of Mary if Adam and Eve did not sin?
Can someone receive the gift of Living in the Divine Will immediately?
What does Jesus mean when He tells Luisa that "true virginity is a divine overshadowing"?
What does Jesus mean when He tells Luisa that "true virginity is a divine overshadowing"?
What does Luisa mean when she speaks of a "new holiness" or a "new sanctity"?
What are "continuous acts" in the Divine Will? Did saints before Luisa do continuous acts in the Divine Will?
What is the difference between "doing" and "living" in the Divine Will?
Why in the Creed do we say, "On the third day he rose again"? Did Jesus rise more than once?
In Luisa’s writings she writes about a “Supreme Will” and a “Divine Will”. Are they different?
Did Jesus’ human nature operate in a manner distinct from his divine nature?
If Adam and Eve had not sinned, would our human will operate as Jesus' human will operates?
Has Russia been consecrated to the IHM?